Olympe & Demeter



Caroline was born on the land of the oldest volcano in Europe, on the southern slopes of the Volcanoes of Auvergne.


Passionate about Pottery for a long time and curious about Jewelery in all its forms, she now combines her 2 Passions.


It is by practicing Raku, a secular Japanese technique combining a complexity of execution with a very raw rendering that Caroline offers us today Jewelry with a unique aesthetic, refined and primitive at the same time, strangely modern and ancestral.


It combines the purest, most minimalist design with this rawest pottery technique, cracked like a Volcano stone.


The cradle of his creations is none other than his “Maison Atelier”, planted in a flow of Basalt, swept by the east winds from Aubrac and those from the North from Cantal et ceux du Nord venus du Cantal.


In this natural setting, she drew inspiration for her first Collections, her first Drawings. All in curves and volutes, it associates the Mineral with the Plant, the Inert, the Immutable. . . to the Ephemeral, to the Living.

Portrait Caroline Olympe & Demeter
Mains Caroline Chabassier
Tournage Caroline Chabassier
Terre Caroline Chabassier